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SDRAA Meetings Archive, page 2

Click on the links below to view or download PDF announcements of past meetings:

June 11, 2017: Nostalgia Night! Members’ slideshows from the pre-digital age.

August 13, 2017: Every Indian Isn’t A Chief, Lawrence Baca.

October 8, 2017: Arches, Camels, Crocodiles, and the Beautiful Ladies, Jeff LaFave.

December 10, 2017: Archaeological Site Recording and Management Issues at Coyote Hole, Daniel McCarthy.

February 11, 2018: What’s Garrick Mallery Got To Do With It? Western Message Petroglyphs, Leigh & Amy Marymor.

April 8, 2018: Partners for Life: Baja California Great Murals, Eve Ewing.

June 10, 2018: Nostalgia Night: Members’ Slideshows from the Pre-Digital Age.

August 12, 2018: Broadening Our Perspective: Grand Canyon Regional Rock Art, Steve Freers.

October 14, 2018: Pohos to Paniolos on the Pahoehoe: Hawaiian Petroglyphs, Ken Hedges.

December 9, 2018: Rock Art at Little Lake: An Inside Look, Doug Brotherton.

February 10, 2019: Jornada Mogollon Rock Art: A Celebration, François Gohier.

April 14, 2019: Geoglyphs of the Desert Southwest: Earthen Art as Viewed from Above, Anne Morgan.

June 9, 2019: 10th Anniversary Nostalgia Night: Members’ Slideshows from the Pre-Digital Age.

August 11, 2019: Archaeoacoustics and Rock Art, Steve Waller.

October 13, 2019: An Overview of the Rock Art of Inyo and Mono Counties, Courtney Smith.

December 8, 2019: Kumeyaay Ethnobotany: Traditional Lifeways As Insights Into Ancient Artists, Mike Wilken.

February 9, 2020: Ceremonial Depictions of Bighorn Sheep Anthropomorphs, Margaret Berrier.

April 5, 2020: Meeting cancelled due to Covid-19 virus.

June 14, 2020 Virtual Meeting: Nostalgia Night.

August 9, 2020 Virtual Meeting: Spanish Voyages and Indigenous Rock Art (Baja California), Dennis Christian.

October 11, 2020 Virtual Meeting: International Night, Ken Hedges, Steve Waller, and Greg Erickson.

December 13, 2020 Virtual Meeting: Rock Art of Chaco Canyon, Scott Seibel.

February 21, 2021 Virtual Meeting: "GlyphMo!" Petroglyphs and More Along the Gila River, Sherry Mitchell, and Art of the Moche and Chimu of Coastal Northern Peru, Sandy Zahn.

April 11, 2021: A One-Day Walk Through the McConkie Ranch Petroglyph Site, Lawrence Baca.

June 6, 2021: Virtual Nostalgia Night 2021.

August 15, 2021: Comparisons Between Mimbres Ceramics and Jornada-Mogollon Petroglyphs and Pictographs, Marglyph Berrier.

October 10, 2021: The El Vallecito Archaeological Project: La Rumorosa Style Rock Art in Context, Antonio Porcayo-Michelini.

December 12, 2021: Columbia Plateau Rock Art: Images of Forgotten Dreams, James D. Keyser.

February 27, 2022: The Hunter: Anthropomorphic Variation in San Rock Art, Anne Stoll.

April 3, 2022: Hurricane Deck: Revisiting the 1935 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Expedition, William D. Hyder.

June 12, 2022: Rock Imagery of Bears Ears National Monument, Wanda Raschkow.

October 9, 2022: Under Chumash Skies: Celestial Connotations of Chumash Rock Art, E. C. Krupp.

December 11, 2022: The Petroglyphs and Pictographs of the Deep South, Jannie Loubser.

February 5, 2023: Rock Art of the World: Ancient Images of Power, Ritual, and Story, Jeff LaFave.

April 16, 2023: Rock Art of Australia: Part 1—The Country and the Art, David Lee.

June 11, 2023: Rock Art in Wyoming, Mavis Greer.

August 13, 2023: Rock Art of Australia: Part 2—Seeing Rock Art Through the Eyes of the Elders, David Lee.

December 10, 2023: Seeing the Light of Day: Rock Paintings and Radiocarbon Dating in Southern California, Steve Freers.

February 4, 2024: Illuminating Event-Based Significance at Three Chumash Rock Art Sites, Christopher Ryan.

April 14, 2024: Why Do Arrowheads Point Up? Thunderstorms, Spearpoints, and Divine Iconography in Barrier Canyon Rock Art, James Farmer.

August 11, 2024: Slithering…Horned and Crested Serpents in Jornada Mogollon and Mimbres Iconography, Margaret Berrier.

December 8, 2024: Kin or Coincidence? Figures and Figurines Similar in Form or Motif to Barrier Canyon Style Rock Art, David Sucec.

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